About "anonymous"

Entry Value
Name anonymous
Appears as sender in 875 documents
Appears as recipient in 69 documents
Appears in documents in Kundeling archives Collection of Kurt H. Dahnke (KHD) Staatsbibliothek Berlin (SBB) Collection of André Alexander (AA)
Sends from place(s) Potala, Beijing, Sa skya, Bla brang snying pa, Nor rgyas gling, bSam 'grub stag rtse pho brang chen po, chos 'khor rgyal, chos sde, sPing ngu'u, Pho brang chen po dga' ldan pho brang, Pho brang chen gsar,
Receives from place(s) Gling gzhi,
Sends in script(s) Chinese, Book-Script, Manchu, Mongolian, Cursive, Chancellor-Script, Vartu, Lantsa, dBu med,
Receives in script(s) Book-Script, Cursive, Chancellor-Script,
Persons who send to anonymous 47 person(s),
Persons who receive from anonymous 127 person(s),
Year of earliest document anonymous appears on 1470
Year of latest document anonymous appears on 1965
Seals on documents anonymous sends List of seals,
Refers to person