Overview information about the document with ID 1228.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 1228
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 2-1/#/19/6/4
Senders rGan Blo bzang, A bsam mgon po, Kong ho kha ljong 'ogs sde dge'i bogs sgrub sngar med gsar 'byor rim yod ,
Comment about sender rGan Blo-bzang / A-bsam mgon-po and others (Kong ho-kha ljong 'ogs - ? sde-dge'i bogs-sgrub sngar-med ? gsar-'byor rim-yod ?)
Recipients khrims bdag rin po che,
Comment about recipient Khrims-bdag rin-po-che
Comment about place of issue n. p.
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Chancellor-Script, Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c + one line cs
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document gan-rgya
Type(s) of document
Date of issue 16 XI shing-sbrul TAL: 1905,
Further comments
Terminology None