
Overview information about the seal with ID 1536.

Entry Value
ID 1536
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside outer rim: Second double rim. Seal of the fifth Dalai Lama. So called "Vajradhara" seal (see Schuh, p.12f)
DocID 0423d_KHD_S79_5-6_5-6_1_Seal
Size 4,4 x 4,2 (3,2 x 3,1)
Inscription cols 1 + 3: not Tibetan, col2: badzra chang P (Vajradhara)
Links compare: 0449d_KHD_S111_x-x_x-x_x_Seal and 012 2-1/#/7/4/4_KDLG_CD81_30
Automatically extracted links Seal: 0449d_KHD_S111_x-x_x-x_x_Seal
Reference see Schuh: Grundlagen tibetischer Siegelkunde, p. 12f
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa and others
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal