
Overview information about the seal with ID 1539.

Entry Value
ID 1539
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside outer rim: Second rim with five columns of 'phags pa script. Seal of regent Rva sgreng mchog sprul rin po che A che thu ho thog tu Ngag dbang ye shes tshul khrims rgyal mtshan (1845-1855, 1856-1862)
DocID 0426d_KHD_S35_49-50_1-2_4_Seal
Size 3,6 x 3,6 (2,7 x 2,7)
Inscription col1: Z bkas bod kyi las P, col2: don khur 'dzin zhva, col3: ser bstan pa 'dzin, col4: byed er te ne no min, col5: han gyi tham ga rgyal
Type None
Links compare: 0166b_SBB6789
Automatically extracted links Seal: 0166b_SBB6789
Reference see Schuh, Grundlagen tibetischer Siegelkunde, p. 220
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal