Overview information about the seal with ID 1735.
Entry |
Value |
ID |
1735 |
Color |
red & black |
Form |
square |
Comment |
seal 2: Chab spel (p.42): sde srid bsod nams chos 'phel lam/ rgya le chos mdzad/ bsod nams rab brtan; dbyings sa gong ma zhes mtshan mang yang don dcog pa de'i tham ka 'di gu shri khang gi dam phrug phyi sgor g.yung lag nang dbu can gyi yig 'brur bstan 'dzin chos kyi rgyal po'i tham ka zhes yod pa de dang zung 'brel du bstsal/: Seal of sDe srid bSod nams chos 'phel who is also known as rGya le chos mdzad, bSod nams rab brtan and dByings sa gong ma. The seal was issued by Gushri khan. |
DocID |
0795c_AA_2_1_163_Seal |
Size |
seal1: 4,7 x 4,6 (3,1 x 3,1); seal2: 2,5 x 2,5 (1,8 x 1,8) |
Inscription |
? |
Type |
Links |
Automatically extracted links |
Reference |
seal1: Ou Chaogui & Jigme, Xi Zang Li Dai Cang Yin, p. 39 bottom seal; seal2: Chab spel, bod kyi gal che'i lo rgyus yig cha bdams bsgrigs, p. 42, top seal.
Comments about scripts on seal |
Chinese |
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal |
Images of seal