Overview information about the seal with ID 1831.

Entry Value
ID 1831
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside outer rim: Lined rim with seven columns of 'phags pa script. D. Dawson, Some Tibetan Seals Illustrated and Described, p. 18: Seal of the Prime Minister [srid blon]. Red ink seal used on official correspondance. The Prime Minister was the only layman authorized to use a red seal in his official capacity. Red was otherwise the prerogative of the clergy.
DocID 0953e_LTWA_165
Size 5,3 x 5,3 (4,3 x 4,2)
Inscription col1: Z rgyal dbang mchog; col2: gi bka'i lung gis; col3: ngo mtshar kun khyab; col4: chos ldan rgyal po'i; col5: chab srid 'phrin las; col6: kyi dge mtshan 'bar; col7: ba'i bde skyid 'phel;
Links compare: 0458_KHD_DK23_x-x_x-x_x and No. 78: 0421f_KHD_S87_x-x_x-x_x;
Automatically extracted links
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal