
Overview information about the document with ID 1880.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 1880
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 2-1/#/74/9/4
Senders Srid skyong sNe'u gdong pa, sDe srid Blo bzang sbyin pa,
Comment about sender Srid-skyong sNe'u-gdong pa TAL: sDe-srid Blo-bzang sbyin-pa
Recipients 'Dzam gling yangs pa'i rgyal khams spyi, Khams stod lho khog gi lha sde mi sde,
Comment about recipient 'Dzam-gling yangs-pa'i rgyal-khams spyi / bye-brag Khams-stod lho-khog gi lha-sde mi-sde and others
Place lHa sa,
Comment about place of issue Chos-'khor dpal gyi lha-sa
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document DC: yi-ge AN: bka'-shog + zhal-shus TAL: bka'-gtan ngo-bshus
Type(s) of document
Date of issue VIII me-'brug,
Further comments Document contains a 'go-mchan paragraph by the 6th Dalai Lama. Also rgyab-bsnon paragraph by sDe-srid Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho (chu-khyi VII 11), written at chos-'khor lha-sa.
Terminology None