
Overview information about the document with ID 1902.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 1902
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 2-1/#/77/1/4
Senders bDe chen g.yul rgyal rtse,
Comment about sender bDe-chen g.yul-rgyal rtse
Recipients mNga' zhabs kyi skya ser grag zhan, sJong gzhis yan phyin gyi gnyer bsdod,
Comment about recipient mNga'-zhabs kyi skya-ser grag-zhan / sJong-gzhis yan-phyin gyi gnyer-bsdod and others
Place bDe chen g.yul rgyal rtse,
Comment about place of issue bDe-chen g.yul-rgyal rtse
Comments about further seals on document few square seals and one round seal
Script(s) Book-Script,
Comments about scripts on document bs ?
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document DC: sa-'byed and 'dzin-rgyu'i yi-ge TAL: bka'-shog
Type(s) of document
Date of issue VIII chu-lug TAL: 1643,
Further comments Main part of document is sa-'byed rather than bka'-shog. A sa-'byed of dGa'-ldan dar-rgyas grva-tshang written on (8 VIII chu-lug). Small part of the bka'-shog document contains an unidentified short rgyab-gnon paragraph with square and round seals. Most square seals with 'phags-pa script. The term “bka'-shog” is used in the rgyan-gnon paragraph.
Terminology None