Overview information about the seal with ID 1930.

Entry Value
ID 1930
Color (red)
Form square
DocID 0908d_LTWA_83
Size 5,3 x 6,0 (3,9 x 4,4) Xerox Copy!
Inscription col1: gangs ljongs bstan; col2: 'gro'i phan bde'i dpal; col3: mgon yongs 'dzin stag; col4: brag pa? ?i ta yi chos srid; col5: 'phrin las bzang po'i dge; col6: mtshan sngon ? 'bar ba'i tham ; col7: ga bkra shis bde skyid 'phel;
Automatically extracted links
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal