Overview information about the document with ID 1999.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 1999
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 2-1/#/83/10/4
Senders 'Bri bla mdzod khang,
Comment about sender !!!> 'Bri-bla mdzod-khang
Comment about recipient None
Place 'bri bla mdzod khang,
Comment about place of issue 'bri-bla mdzod-khang
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document mi-rjes zin-pa('i) + 'khrol-'dzin
Type(s) of document
Date of issue lcags-phag TAL: 1911,
Further comments TAL remark on group no 2-1/83/-/4?, there must be ten documents.
Terminology None