
Overview information about the document with ID 2614.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 2614
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 x-x/#/x/x/x
Senders Cang jun chen po phu, A li am ban sun, Zi khron gtsung thu hus, Kung bu zha shu ho, Khrin am ban,
Comment about sender Cang-jun chen-po phu, A-li am-ban sun, Zi-khron gtsung-thu hus, Kung-bu zha-shu ho, Khrin am-ban
Comment about recipient None
Place sKyem yug,
Comment about place of issue sKyem-yug?
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document rtsa-tshig don-tshan nyer-dgu
Type(s) of document
Date of issue 21 VII lcags-lug ?,
Further comments Fragmentary document of the article no. 18, 19 and last line of the article no 17th, belonging to a larger group called “the Emperor's ordinance article 29.” These articles were first drafted by Am-ban and sent to the Emperor for his approval. All articles in Tibetan, Chinese and English are published in the book “A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet.” Compiled by the Archives of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Rig-dngos dpe-skrun khang 1995, document no. 50. Two seals with 'phags-pa and one with Chinese and 'phags-pa script. At the bottom of the article, the two letters are attached and all the information is provided here according to the letters.
Terminology None