Overview information about the document with ID 2941.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 320
Name of archives Staatsbibliothek Berlin (SBB)
Signatory in archives 0320_SBB6169_S
Comment about sender None
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Comment about place of issue None
Comments about further seals on document
Comments about scripts on document NULL
Project name dtab
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Proverbs "sPang dang me-tog chab-cig gzhung-'bul". Giving meadow and flowers together to the government. Delivering all possessions, even the basics (not only flowers, but also the meadow) to the government. "Bu-phrug nyam-chung nas shor-pos me-kha ma-bsos" A weak child is not able to set fire with (dried) juniper. "Brag-rta brag-'babs". Rocky horse descending on rock. Whatever is meant for a specific purpose should only be used for that purpose. Failure, concerning decrees and contracts, occurred due to one's inability, rather than to negligence. Delivering all possessions, even the basics (not only flowers, but also the meadow) to the government.
Date of issue
Further comments From document No. 0001_SBB6624 to 0364_SBB6213_S, the total of No's. 364 have been analysed by the Hanna Schneider. Manuscripts Hs. 6624- Hs. until 6880 will be published within the year 2005 in the Series of "Verzeichnis Orientalischer Handschriften in Deutschland".