Overview information about the document with ID 3335.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 713
Name of archives Collection of André Alexander (AA)
Signatory in archives 0713_AA_1_2_81
Senders mDzod ming pa,
Comment about sender mDzod-ming pa
Recipients 'Bras spyi bso shod sku zhabs gtsang 'dzin,
Comment about recipient 'Bras spyi-bso shod sku-zhabs gtsang-'dzin
Place Nag chu or rgod zhabs dgon 'jam dbyangs lha khang steng,
Comment about place of issue Nag-chu or-rgod zhabs dgon 'jam-dbyangs lha-khang steng
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document byang-khul mi-zhib gtsang-sgrub (grub-pa'i yi-ge)
Type(s) of document
Proverbs "mGo-bkrus gdong-dag". Washed head and cleaned face. Guaranteeing that all tasks will be accomplished perfectly.
Date of issue 3 VII,
Further comments
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