
Overview information about the document with ID 3382.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 760
Name of archives Collection of André Alexander (AA)
Signatory in archives 0760_AA_1_2_128
Senders lHa ldan rgyal khab chen po,
Comment about sender lHa-ldan rgyal-khab chen-po
Recipients skya khang gi gnyer las 'dzin, dar byung gi gnyer sdod,
Comment about recipient (skya-khang gi gnyer las-'dzin / dar-byung gi gnyer-sdod)
Place lHa sa,
Comment about place of issue lHa-ldan rgyal-khab chen-po
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Script(s) Cursive,
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Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document dar-byung mi-ser gcen-pa ba dang skya-kha ba'i (chu-brtsod skor gyi) bcad-mtshams khra-(ma)
Type(s) of document
Proverbs "Pho byes-song gi dman gzhis-brdung". Beating the female (taking the opportunity) while the male travels away from their main residence. Somebody makes troubles when the head of the village or family is absent. "Kham-bu za ma-'dod mngar-la skyur-'dogs". Someone does not like to eat peaches, and is therefore arguing that sweet is sour. During a conflict someone uses a pretext, in order to hide the real facts. "Lung-chung sgrigs kyi 'tsho-zhing yul-khrims rgyal-po". A small village is governed by rules and a nation by a king. Symbolising to abide in rules and laws."dPon-por thugs-rje dang thugs-mkhyen". Thanks and kindness to the lord. Before the applicants present their case to the lord, they ask preliminarily his benevolence. "Pho-rog dang 'ug-bya'i phyogs-'dzin gyi re-dogs". Crow and owl suspect each other to be prejudiced. Fear of prejudiced decision. "Chu-brgya zam-'og tu bsdus". Hundred water (streams) flow under (one) bridge. Instead of dealing with each of many minor problems, a decision maker rather prefers to consolidate the case.
Date of issue dmar-phyogs = 15-30, gro-bzhin = VII, shing-stag,
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