Overview information about the seal with ID 402.

Entry Value
ID 402
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside outer rim: square line. Inside square line: six columns of text. Official seal of Pho lha ba bSod nams stobs rgyas (reg. 1728-1747)
DocID 012 2-1/#/18/5/4_KDLG_CD87_15
Size 4,5 x 4,5 (3,1 x 3)
Inscription col1: Z mi'i dbang po bsod nams; col2: / stobs kyi rgyal po pho lha; col3: dbang gyi tham ga phyogs thams; col4: cad las rnams par rgyal ba don; col5: kun 'grub pa bkra shis so /; col.6: rtag tu lha rgyal lo dge'o /;
Links compare: No. 195: 012 2-1/#/19/1/4_KDLG_CD87_1a
Automatically extracted links Seal: 012 2-1/#/19/1/4_KDLG_CD87_1a
Reference see Schuh, Grundlagen tibetischer Siegelkunde, p. 69f.
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal