Overview information about the seal with ID 406.

Entry Value
ID 406
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside outer rim: square line. Inside square line: Swastika-like lining as second rim inside main red rim; undecipherable symbol inside rim at top middle. Official seal of Pho lha bSod nams stobs rgyas (reg. 1727-1747)?
DocID 012 2-1/#/18/9/4_KDLG_CD87_19
Size None
Inscription col1: Z pho lha ; col2: ha'i ? tham; col3: ga m? tha ; col4: las rnam pa rgyal(l)o /; (seal partly undecipherable)
Links compare: 012 2-1/#/8/8/4_KDLG_CD82_7a
Automatically extracted links
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa,

Images of seal