Overview information about the seal with ID 1605.

Entry Value
ID 1605
Color red
Form square
Comment Outer rim with second lined rim. Inside: five lines of inverted dBu can script on top of a lotus flower (left). Right: two columns of 'phags pa script. Sun and moon symbol inside top rim?
DocID 0602f_AA_1_1_59_Seal
Size 7,0 x 7,0 (5,0 x 5,0)
Inscription dBu can (left column): gong pa'i mkhan po dza bsag(!) ta? bla ma tham ga; 'Phags pa script: col1: Z / gong pa'i (ni?) mkhan po; col2: dza bsag ta? bla ma tham ga;
Automatically extracted links
Comments about scripts on seal dbu can and 'phags pa
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal Book-Script, 'Phags pa,

Images of seal