Overview information about the seal with ID 1778.

Entry Value
ID 1778
Color red
Form square
Comment rTa tshag bstan pa'i mgon po
DocID 0836n_LTWA_28
Size 8,0 x 8,0 (6,5 x 6,5)
Inscription tib.: line1: bod kyi las don; line2: khur 'dzin zhva ser; line3: bstan pa 'dzin byed; line4: dpal ldan no min; line5: han kyi tham ka/;
Links compare: No. 617: 946p_LTWA_158
Automatically extracted links
Comments about scripts on seal Mongolian, dBu can, MaƱjurian
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal Book-Script, Manchu, Mongolian,

Images of seal