Overview information about the seal with ID 1829.

Entry Value
ID 1829
Color red
Form square
DocID 0951l_LTWA_163
Size 11,0 x 11,0 (9,3 x 9,3)
Inscription Tib: line1: nub phyogs; line2: mchog[g]yu dge; line3: ba'i zhing gi; line4: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Automatically extracted links
Reference Ou Chaogui & 'jig med, Xi Zang Li Dai Cang Yin, p. 57ff
Comments about scripts on seal Mongolian (Mo), MaƱjurian (Ma), dbu med (Tib), Chinese (Ch)
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal Chinese, Manchu, Tibetan, Mongolian, dBu med,

Images of seal