Overview information about the seal with ID 218.

Entry Value
ID 218
Color red
Form square
Comment Inside rim at top middle Vartula letter?
DocID 012 1-4/#/1/5/4_KDLG_CD74_3
Size None
Inscription col1: Z gnas bskos 'jam, col2: dbyangs gong ma chen po, col3: yi dkas ye shes yongs, col4: rdzogs bsam gtan P, col5: mkhan po rje drung hu P, col6: thug tu'i tham ga bkra P, col7: shis dge legs 'phel
Links compare: 0392d_KHD_S68_17-18_5-6_2_Seal and 0428d_KHD_S82_13-14_1-2_2_Seal
Automatically extracted links Seal: 0392d_KHD_S68_17-18_5-6_2_Seal Seal: 0428d_KHD_S82_13-14_1-2_2_Seal
Comments about scripts on seal 'phags pa and Vartula?
Automatically extracted script(s) on seal 'Phags pa, Vartula,

Images of seal