
Overview information about the document with ID 975.

Entry Value
Document number in archives 975
Name of archives Kundeling archives
Signatory in archives 012 1-5/#/1/9/4
Senders mDo dgon 'dus spyi,
Comment about sender !!!> mDo-dgon 'dus-spyi
Recipients dza sag bla ma,
Comment about recipient Kun-gling Dza-sag
Place mdo dgon,
Comment about place of issue (mdo-dgon)
Comments about further seals on document
Script(s) Cursive,
Comments about scripts on document c
Project name dtab
Comment about type(s) of document AN: phul-ba'i snyan-zhu TAL: phul-snyan bka'-lan rtsal-zin sbrags-ma
Type(s) of document
Date of issue VII,
Further comments Applicant requesting to get several bka'-gtan for different issues. The first one demands from the mDo-dgon monastery to provide an additional twenty people for the shing-'brug year, in order to be sent against the British soldiers. But the monastery asked the Dza-sag to give a letter permitting them provide the same number of people as in the previous sa-byi year. They would also like to make all necessary offerings directly to dPa'-shod. Seal on wrapping. Glosse: gus pa mdo dgon 'du spyi thun mong nas phul ba'i snyan zhu. Document contains also the response of Kun-bde-gling phyag-mdzod to mDo-dgon 'dus-spyi (11 IX sa-bya TAL: 1909). According to the TAL remark on the document group no 1-5/1/-4?, there must be twelve documents. Special TAL remark on group document mentions bod ljongs tshogs 'du rgyas steng nas lu'u cun dpon dmag phyir log skabs lam rgyag las sne sprod byer. But this document did not appear in group no 1-5/1/-4?.
Terminology None